
I Can Hear You, Jenny

I am NOT Jenny, but I know one. Yeah, I definitely know one pretty damn well. She makes my life a living hell every single day. Jenny is the reason I’m stuck in this place. Jenny made me this way. I hear Jenny’s voice all the time. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. And then one day, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I told someone about Jenny, what she was saying and doing to me. And I ended up here. Perfect little Jenny. Always telling me to straighten up. Always telling me to make my hair look a little nicer, to do my make–up a little better. But I can’t help it. I can’t change who I am. I wish I had never heard from Jenny. I wish Jenny had never existed. Then, there would be nothing to compare myself to. Then, I wouldn’t be stuck in this shit hole, where everyone thinks I’m crazy because Jenny talks to me. I’m not crazy. Her eyes would stare daggers at me from those magazine covers. I could hear her voice. I really could…now, I’m just trying to shut her up.

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