
Not Jenny 23

Not Jenny – Middle Age Version

I have to admit the truth, I’m getting a little old to deceive myself
any longer. I am not, nor have I ever been, a Jenny. At least not

Hope springs eternal, or so they say, so maybe there is still a chance
for me. If I can just set a goal, eat less, exercise more, and start
taking better care of myself. The kids are grown and don’t need my
attention any more, life is simpler, and I can devote 24/7 to my
self-improvement plan. I can become a middle-aged Jenny. These middle
aged Jennys must exist somewhere, Jennys have to grow up and reach
their middle age.

Watch out world, a new Jenny is about to make her debut! I can do it.
I know I can do it.

I am going to start this plan right away,but first, let me check in
with the Oprah show and see just what these middle aged, Jenny, role
models are like.

Oh gosh! There she is! The Jenny I’ve always dreamed of becoming!
That will be me in just a short time. Life will be perfect when I
become her. And, the secret to her success is …

What? I have to do all of that to become a Jenny! No way. I can
never rise that early, exercise that much, and eat that horrid food.
Forget it!

But, as they say, hope springs eternal. Maybe it won’t be quite so
much work to become a senior citizen Jenny if I just wait another 10

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